Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

Finding Charles and Keith in Singapore!!

Hey, everyone. I'm back to write my travel journeys and my life notes.
Thank you for spare your time in here and enjoy and feel my journey on your shoes!

The journey begun when I was have small conversation with my aunty last year. She got difficult to find her shoes size everywhere, both in Makassar, Jakarta and around Indonesia. exceptable in touristy place like Bali that many of them specially sell stuffs for foreigner size.
So, we plan for a trip to get her shoes while having a vacation to relax from the routines! :D

Later in the post, I will be more tell you about me and my journey instead my travelmate story.
"My journey is not your journey, even if we traveled together still."


Selasa, 23 April 2013

Traveling to Lombok

Update soon.. :)

Semua orang bisa menjadi Developer Properti !

Ya, Anda tidak sedang salah membaca. Telah dibuka pendaftaran untuk belajar mengenai cara menjadi developer property secara gratis. Peserta hanya dikenakan biaya yang murah sebesar Rp 250.000. Dengan biaya tersebut Rp150.000 dipakai untuk pembiayaan buku serta modul tentang menjadi seorang developer, mengikuti training rutin dan mendapatkan tabungan senilai Rp 100.000 di rekening BNI Syariah.

Program belajar menjadi Developer Property ini menargetkan 100 partisipan. Program ini dimulai tanggal 15Mei Mendatang.
Pendaftaran dibuka sampai tanggal 14Mei2013 dan dapat dilakukan dengan mendatangi langsung kantor Piarra property,
Jl Pandang Raya Ruko Saphire III no 7, Panakukang, Makassar. Ph. (0411) 456 688.

Pulau Lanjukang , Perjalanan ke Surga dunia penuh makna

Tulisan ini juga dimuat di Soulmaks Magazine edisi April 2013.
Bisa dibaca disini

Wisata bukan lagi menjadi kebutuhan tersier atau prestigious, bagi sebagian kalangan atau bahkan setiap orang sudah merupakan kebutuhan wajib atau primer di kala gaya hidup kaum urban sekarang ini. Wisata bukan lagi sesuatu yang mahal tetapi dapat dijangkau bagi sebagian besar atau semua kalangan.

Wisata pun tidak harus jauh, sampai ke luar kota atau bahkan ke luar negeri. Warga kota yang disibukkan di tengah hiruk-pikuk metropolis dan pembangunan kota Makassar butuh hiburan di akhir pekan yang tidak terlalu jauh dan terjangkau. Pertumbuhan kota yang pesat dengan taman hiburan dan cafe terkadang bukanlah solusi yang dicari. Masyarakat terkadang ingin mencari tempat untuk menemukan kedamaian dengan suasana yang tenang.

Makassar yang dikenal sebagai area spermonde yang dikelilingi oleh beberapa pulau kecil di sekitarnya menjadi jawaban bagi penikmat kedamaian untuk lari sejenak menjernihkan pikiran dari segala rutinitas. Di sebelah barat ke arah selatan sejauh 9mil atau 14,4km dari kota Makassar terdapat sebuah pulau nan eksotis dan sangat indah. Pulau ini dikenal dengan nama Lanyukang atau Lanjukang. Pulau ini merupakan pulau terluar yang masih termasuk dalam teritori wilayah kota Makassar.
Untuk menuju tempat ini dapat dijangkau dari Dermaga Kayu Bangkoa atau Dermaga di samping POPSA. Untuk kapal kayu motor kecil dengan kuota 8-10orang bisa ditawar dengan harga 1-1,5juta pulang pergi atau jika pergi rombongan dengan kuota 20-25orang bisa mengambil kapal kayu yang lebih besar dengan kisaran 1,5-2juta serta 3juta untuk kapal tingkat dengan kapasitas 50-60orang. Estimasi waktu perjalanan sekitar 3-4jam tergantung kondisi ombak. Disarankan untuk berangkat ke pulau pagi jam 7 dan pulang esok hari sebelum jam 1siang.

Pulau Lanjukang dihuni oleh 13 kepala keluarga dengan penduduk sekitar 52orang. Pulau seluas 6ha ini memiliki latar belakang sejarah. Konon pulau ini dulu dihuni oleh pasukan Belanda untuk berjaga-jaga dari serangan sekutu dan musuh di perbatasan terluar Makassar. Untuk menjaga pulau ini beberapa masyarakat ditempatkan dan diperjakan di pulau. Pulau yang kecil membuat beberapa orang tersebut melakukan pernikahan secara kekerabatan sampai dengan saat ini yang membuat perawakan mereka menjadi sedikit unik yaitu sedikit lebih pendek dengan tinggi sekitar 1-1-5 meter.

Keindahan pulau ini tak diragukan lagi. Di beberapa titik bahkan masih perawan atau belum pernah dijangkau wisatawan. Suasana nya begitu tenang dan asri dengan banyak pohon kelapa. Sudah terdapat 1 resort atau rumah panggung besar dengan dua kamar di pulau ini yang menurut informasi dapat dipesan melalui Hotel Pantai Gapura dengan tarif 1,5juta per malam. Tapi jangan khawatir bagi Anda yang senang dan menginginkan suasana alam, Anda boleh camping di pinggir pantai ataupun tinggal di rumah warga jika ingin merasakan kehangatan masyarakat yang siap membantu dengan cukup memberi bantuan materi seadanya.

Biota laut dan ikan di perairan pulau sangat beragam dan bervariasi. Sayangnya di beberapa titik terlihat rekam jejak terumbu karang yang rusak akibat penangkapan ikan dengan cara yang salah menggunakan bom ikan. Kejernihan air sangat jelas terlihat sampai kedalaman 5-10meter dibawah laut sehingga masih dapat melihat ikan dan karang dari atas kapal. Di Pulau ini terdapat satu mercusuar di tengah pulau yang sudah tidak digunakan lagi. Selain itu terdapat sebuah mesjid dan beberapa sumur warga yang airnya masih payau cukup untuk membilas diri, mandi, ataupun bahkan ada sumur yang airnya tawar digunakan untuk kebutuhan air minum.
Berkunjung di pulau ini tidak hanya membawa kesenangan dengan indahnya panorama alamnya tetapi dapat dijadikan perjalanan penuh makna dengan silaturahmi dengan warga pulau serta memberi bantuan semampu kita. Masyarakat pulau ini sangat senang dikunjungi oleh wisatawan karena percaya wisatawan adalah berkah tersendiri yang selalu membantu mendatangkan rejeki bagi mereka. Jika berkunjung ke pulau ini tidak ada salahnya membawa beras dan mie instan untuk dibagikan kepada warga sebab seringkali mereka sangat kesusahan untuk membeli bahan makanan sehari-hari. Kita juga dapat membeli cumi, udang, dan ikan hasil tangkapan warga dengan harga yang sangat murah seperti hanya 20rb untuk cumi-cumi segar per kg. Atau untuk minum kelapa muda di siang hari sangat banyak tersedia di pulau ini dan bisa meminta tolong warga untuk dicarikan.

Pasokan listrik belum ada di pulau ini, hanya dua genset sumbangan yang dipakai untuk penerangan ala kadarnya melalui beberapa lampu hemat energi di rumah warga. Untuk kesehatan jika ada warga yang sakit biasanya ke pulau Langkai yang sudah terdapat puskesmas. Di pulau ini dulu pernah ada guru yang mengajar anak-anak membaca dan menulis di rumah warga tetapi karena tidak betah maka anak-anak harus ke pulau lain untuk mengenyam pendidikan dan ada yang tidak bersekolah. Masyarakat sangat bekerja keras untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Kunjungilah pulau ini dan Anda tidak hanya berwisata menikmati alam tetapi juga wisata religi dalam kebersamaan dengan warga. Diharapkan adanya bantuan pemerintah kota Makassar untuk kebutuhan listrik dan air bersih serta kesehatan dan pendidikan di pulau nan eksotis dan indah ini.

Beberapa TIPS jika mengunjungi pulau Lanjukang antara lain:
-Membawa beberapa air galon untuk kebutuhan minum, masak nasi dan makanan, bilas, dan keperluan sanitasi lainnya.
-Membawa beras 1kg/org dan minyak tanah 5liter lebih untuk kebutuhan masak dan sisanya dapat dibagi ke warga setempat. Jika ingin menyumbang sebaiknya membeli ukuran besar 25kg beberapa karung daripada ukuran kecil karena masyarakat di pulau ini masih memiliki hubungan kekerabatan.
-Bawa makanan dan cemilan yang cukup. Tidak ada warung atau penjual makan di pulau. Anda boleh mencoba PotLuck system yaitu sistem mengumpulkan bahan makanan dari peserta yang ikut kemudian dikumpulkan menjadi satu untuk dimasak, dibagi dan dinikmati bersama (Nasi Bungkus, Ikan kaleng, telur, Mie instan, Roti, dan Biskuit). Sediakan peralatan makan plastik.
-Jika berencana Camping atau berkemah, bawa perlengkapan pribadi Anda (Tenda, Sleeping Bag, Matras, Tikar, Sarung, Jaket, Obat nyamuk/Autan, dan Jaket). Anda dapat tidur di rumah warga dengan minta ijin terlebih dahulu.
-Tidak ada jaringan operator selular di pulau ini serta tidak ada listrik. Bawa lampu senter dan cas Anda. Hanya ada generator warga untuk penerangan seadanya mulai pukul 6sore-10malam.
-Peralatan Snorkeling, kacamata renang, life jacket dan perlengkapan renang lainnya.
-Kamera dengan resolusi yang tinggi dan casing untuk underwater. Sediakan memori yang besar serta kondisi baterai prima dan baterai cadangan.

Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

Fasting month=Far away from Home!!

I just realize One thing that will make me remember and miss about fasting month that is; I always far away from home!! No matter it's a part of the beginning, middle, or at the end of fasting month.. That maybe sounds very weird for others that spent their time generally with family in fasting month, but for me I used it to go places(some visit families nearby and some make NEW familes EVERYWHERE!).. Far from home no mean you're lonely, not mean you don't have family, not mean you don't have friends around, not also mean because you don't love all the things about your hometown and so on.. BUT, that mean that I wanna HAVE New families, New friends, learn new things(cultures, languanges, people/ local life and many other things! So, where will I go to for the Next fasting year? Who knows.. :)

Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Behind the Scenes: Struggle to ASEAN Youth Camping 14-15 April 2012 -SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT!!

Frankly, I had never thought that I would join such a really cool program like this before! From a post of someone in a group of 'Students and Youth Forum (South Sulawesi)' in FB i.e., the previous program that I had attended before, I open the link and found it a bit complicated with some of the requirements, e.g., must represent of any instution of youth. So, I postponed to fill the form registration and continue life(DO NOT duplicate this bad attitude that just would get you too far from your success!)

As the time flies, I didn't remember that the deadline is coming until I saw a post from the administrator that said "Two hours left before online registration to ASEAN Culture Camp 2012 is closed"! So, without any excuse and plan on the next weekend that also already got valid information about how to fill it, I finished it few minutes before the registration really closed!! Next two days, I got the notification again that said they will announce the top 25 candidates to be part of this exciting event by email no later than Sunday, April 8, 2012. But until the time, I didn't get any notification yet then I thought it just too late for me to submit the form but I will remember a quote that said "If you're meant to be there then you will get there!" and another one: "There will be NEVER TOO LATE to TRY/LEARN something", you might believe that too. :)

Finally, after four days passed after the main list announced, I got an email two days before the events in the earlier morning that said there will be extra 15seats more for extraordinary people like me :p, the additional will get "privillage" to enjoy the night in their own home, i.e., will not get hotel accommodation, but surprisingly at the night when the first day was over, all of the extra participants able to enjoy the hotel accomodation! Thanks for the committees, especially for the Office of Tourism and Culture of South Sulawesi Province for the great services. So, As I thought it my last opportunity, I sent all the documents that requested. And I did a mistake again, but a small one. I forgot to attach my gorgeus picture so they request it, what could I say? :)


DAY ONE, APRIL 14 2012

I arrived at the venue-Gedung Mulo about 8am. I was in hurry until I realize that everything was running very smoothly. There's I met bunch of talented youths with high spirit, bright mission and have same concern about world future from diffrent races and cultures such as USA, BELGIUM, JAPAN, CHINA, MALAYSIA, and of course INDONESIA! Not waiting too long, the two bus that will took us to the venue was came but we stop by at the hotel first. Some of us did check in and put their belongings there then we continue to Somba Opu Fort.

The program was gave me so much insights, both about my local and international undertanding comprehension. Even, this program contributed to let local and foreigner have a deep knowlegde about historical places and values that left.

We learn about culture of South Sulawesi, especially the values from the ethnics that adopted.

Culture learning about South Sulawesi that given from Mr Nudingram(sorry if it's misspelled)

We also visited the Karaeng Pattingalloang Museum in Somba Opu Fort. In another chance, we have our main program that is simulation conference like what United Nations did. About the simulation itself, it's a new thing for me and that's really interesting. I learn many things from the conference refer to the issue that we had discussed. As a youth, I have to know what is the big problems from each countries to develop their home countries. By know the problems, each countries can also found it either as a threat and learning lesson to be adopted. I was got a chance as representation for Philippines Delegate together with my sleepy fun partner from USA, Riley! It's found to be so strange and difficult at first time. But, since it was just the simulation we had a lot of fun while also serious at the same time. The moderator which is the administrator managed it very well and we just made it great!

In Front of Karaeng Pattingalloang Museum in Somba Opu Fort

Philippines Delegates and Pakistan Delegates in ASEAN Youth Conference

Other than the culture learning that given from Mr Nudingram(sorry if it's misspelled) - Head of Tourism and Culture of South Sulawesi Province, conference simulation from Mr Biondi and Mr Achie, we also had lot of exciting programs! There are lot of fun games that handled by Mr Satkar. For a game session, we are divided to 6 groups that contain of 6-7people. I was selected in group one together with Putri(Ina), Mita(Ina), Shima(May), Yana(May), and Jeremy(Usa) as the leader. One of the great game was trying built a tower as high as possible with teams and we out as the winner! Not stop until that, we recognised as the BEST team after all. Proud to cooperate and be a part with you guys! :)

At the night, there was a barbecue party and after that we had a cultural performance that's so marvelous! There were participants represented their ability in dance, cultural presentation, attraction, tips, sing, etc. Accompanied with bonfire, the night was so fun and all of us rejoice in that. Before midnight, we back to Hotel and have a rest for tomorrow.

DAY TWO, APRIL 15 2012

After checkout, we back to Somba Opu fort to continue the schedules. In second day, we still have few last session and discuss the paper of works that made by some delegations about the main problems that each countries had to be concern and pull the red thread then trying to make the final resolution from the conference. As the conference should be finished soon, suddenly each delegates very eager to express their opinions that it just heating up! :p Because the different concern and lot of opinions, we didnt get the final resolution from this conference. That is no a problem after all. The important ones is that we more aware with the issue about sustainable development now and know each countries problems that we as youth could spread this to everyone especially to the the governance and together help them to resolve it.

After the conference end, there were awards announcement for best female&male delegation, best cultural performance, best costume, funny delegates, serious delegates, and best team. There was also closing ceremony and video made from some people about their opinion about this event and documentation of this event that's so fun! ^^

Overall, my sacrify to attend this great prorgam is nothing to be compared with bunch of the experiences, knowledge, and friendship!! :D To be part of this youth event, it realize me and open my sight that what I know about world problems is nothing! It's re-enforce me about my responsible as a YOUTH! What is my contribution to my home country, especially in Indonesia that I had gave?? Hope it's not just the spirit of a moment but we as young leader have to concern about the global issued and cooperate to find the solutions.

Thanks for Tourism and Culture Office of South Sulawesi Province who is able to held this great promram together with Delegate Relations of 2012 ASEAN Culture Camp Mr Biondi, Mr Satkar, and Mr Achie. And to be noted, the coordinator of the events Mr Ashry (Gego) and all the committees, who had made this events very well prepared! At least but not Last, thanks for all the delegates from each countries that without you the event will not be realized and found fun! See you on the next conference and events guys.. :)

(In Front of the Hotel before leaving.. miss you guys!)

-As a human being, we must keep update with everything facing the world change. Sustainable development is a REDlight indicator that help the world improvement to make it better.

Ardiyanto Dwi Putra